Week 17: Wrapping It Up

Room for Improvement- Social Media World

This class taught me a lot over this semester by getting my ideas going for new and upcoming promotions. It helped me start an offer on Facebook and spread it to other social media sites. It was really interesting because I got a customer to actually get the service for that specific offer. He was a customer that had messaged me on Instagram but never got to set a day and time. Then he actually saw my offer on Facebook when it was an actual assignment for this class. I did get creative and it helped me get him to be a paying customer. I was introduced to new ideas and how they are limitless.
 Google business has many resources you can use to keep track of work. This course showed me how google analytics works and all the functions it has. This is a great tool for business owners in being able to track down whose viewing, how many people are viewing, and their reactions to your posts. It goes more into depth depending on what you’re looking into. Google can help your business stay on track in going towards the right direction for collecting specific data on how your business is performing in the social media world.
This class helped me experiment with twitter by creating tweets and following others.  I started following big companies on what they are posting about and what they stand for in the industry. At times I go on there and look what they are tweeting about to get a better idea on what they are doing that’s successful.  By the post it does not look like they are getting much interaction at same time it’s a work in progress. These posts had already been on Instagram with even more information and I feel like I understand it more than just reading it on twitter. This course taught me you got to find out what’s right for your business.
            During this course I have gained more followers from other classmates liking my page. I started with about eight and then start spreading the word on Facebook. It then increased to about thirty one likes. The more people I have looking at my posts the more engagement and referral’s I can get. If I’m actively posting on Facebook and using the boost button it can help gain a good amount of new clients and fans. Everything takes time but it will soon pay off as long as I make progress with my services and what I have to offer to the world.
         My social media will keep growing with its new creative offers. I want to make sure I’m giving back by making things interesting such as starting giveaways, raffles, and new custom products of my business that everyone can buy. Starting of as a small business leaves you a lot of room for improvement. I will use social media using polls to get a vote on what customer like seeing more. The results will give me a better outlook on what interests my customers and what I can post more about.  Expanding would be the biggest thing is having a website and being able attract more customers. For now I will improve my skills and get as much ideas as I possibly can for future endeavors of this social media world.


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