When I had first started I was more into utilizing Instagram business and just sharing it to my Facebook, this would give me content on both ends to share. Now after a few weeks of this class I learned how to use Facebook a lot more into its analytics and also creating events, discount offers, and different types of announcement. I will undergo more experimental posts and keep getting better at it. There is much to learn and what had also impressed me was newsletter. While having a source of attraction and being able to have them read and look at what you have to announce is incredible. Gives information about the product or service and intrigues the customer. What you want to do is attract the customer for what you have to offer. If this offer is good enough they’ll come to you and pay for your product or service. The best thing about this is getting future referrals or more clients. Once customer can mean so much to your business. Make sure to keep up to date wi...
If I would look into the newsletter process I would add short videos of myself working on vehicles. Once they see I’m showing a small clip they will possibly click and subscribe. This will work since they are more likely to be engaged with the video and will then give it a like or subscribe to the channel. Another idea would be contests and prize giveaways. My business will interact more with the customer by showing them on how they can win free stuff or at least win a discount. First I would put a newsletter that displays 3 categories after a customer has subscribed to all 3 of my social media links. They will be able to choose between certain prizes or even a good discount for a future service. I can create newsletter events with friends that can invite anyone and will do a gathering where I can raffle prizes for a purchase of a ticket. As everyone is entertained by one another I’ll have a small booth set up with promotional services I have and show a booklet of all services ...
The main goal is to attract the audience in a blog post to capture feedback personally or mentally. If the Title fits and has resembles upon a moment in their life it attracts and has a personal connection. Everyone has feelings and interests the blog post needs to fit their shoes to see what they have been through or are looking for in life. When someone is motivated they look for signs whether it’s reading a newspaper announcement to reading the Title of a new Movie. Brainstorming is what gets the audience moving and they are able to interact and relate to what their life experiences. Memories are an important fundamental as soon as they search for a blog that has a reflection of the past they’ll be reading until the very end. What happens next is they feel astounded by what was read and will make a post or comment on what they have dealt with to relate and have that personal connection. If the writer presents an example of a life story and asks a question almost like their spe...
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