Week 16

When I had first started I was more into utilizing Instagram business and just sharing it to my Facebook, this would give me content on both ends to share. Now after a few weeks of this class I learned how to use Facebook a lot more into its analytics and also creating events, discount offers, and different types of announcement.  I will undergo more experimental posts and keep getting better at it. There is much to learn and what had also impressed me was newsletter. While having a source of attraction and being able to have them read and look at what you have to announce is incredible. Gives information about the product or service and intrigues the customer.  What you want to do is attract the customer for what you have to offer. If this offer is good enough they’ll come to you and pay for your product or service.  The best thing about this is getting future referrals or more clients. Once customer can mean so much to your business. Make sure to keep up to date with them with special events, discounts, and newsletter subscriptions.
Facebook has to be one that I’ll be getting more advertising for.  It helps be more creative on my desktop and helps me think of ideas. I’m a fast paced person so when I think of an idea I stick with it. I want to create a post that will be out there and customers will be engaged. It’s all about engagement and interacting with customers even behind a screen. They can do participate in events, questionnaires, and deciding upon a certain discount. Make sure to keep track of the analytics since you can refer back to it and see how well it performed.  Instagram will always be my got to since it’s easy access on the phone. In addition Instagram is widely used all over the world with major corporations watching. I’ve seen people get sponsored from them. How great is that knowing major businesses are watching you whether beginning of startup or years of experience.  Everyone wants to be an overnight success but it takes lots of work and dedication. Creativity is key as well making sure that you are unique from the competition. Yes, everyone may seem like they have been in the industry for years and years.  My question is what are you going to do that is different from the rest? It makes me want to learn about everything that pertains to the industry that I’m getting into. In conclusion, it is very competitive therefore I will use any and all social media I can to gain a mass spread of engagement.
The time portion of using social media can differ on how busy the business is. At the same time you want to have posts about every day. This will keep consistency and get more insights and help with analytics. When I first started Instagram business or my Facebook business page I understood analytics but it is more important now that I’ve taken this course. More time you spend more page clicks, likes , comments , questions , estimates , and subscribers you will attract. This will have a demographic of who’s tuning in and what they like the most that you are posting. The more you post gives you a better guidance in knowing what the customer wants whether new or old. For my business I would want to post every 3 or so days. I have not been pushing myself since I need to have a proper investing in my business. For next year I want to step it up more. My plan is to set a better example with my car to surprise those on the potential my business has out there. I also want to get a camera that has better quality to edit videos. I want to get my certificates under this just to perfect my craft more. I have a lot of work to do for 2019 and I’m excited about it.
I will create a post to if they were to like my Facebook there would be a discount on a certain service.  Creating a video of something simple I’m applying to the vehicle to show the difference on how it can change the look. Gain attention on twitter by creating a post on Facebook and Instagram for them to follow and be more engaged what I have to offer. If I have a new special offer I will guide more customer towards twitter and have them follow a step by step instruction on giveaway, raffle, or just a discount.  I can also ask questions of what they’d like to see more of. Creating a post where they can vote for the next upcoming month discount. Having more promotional service where someone can win something free if they come in for a certain service. Video of myself on what’s to come with my car and what color I’ll be changing it to. I’ll have my customer guess on the color and who guesses it right gets something free or a discount.  Sell my logo decals once more and see if I create my own windshield banner for my customers to represent out in the real world. I will aim towards a weekly or monthly time requirement to give some room for good ideas to flow through my pages. I do not want to run out of ideas in a quick week or two when I can have it spread out for months and work my way up. Once I’m ready to push some content daily I will be gaining a good amount of clientele and will be booked monthly. As I work on my own personal projects I will be working on my business content down the road. This is an overview of some of my ideas that I can apply for the next year to come. 


  1. I really appreciated all of the time and thought you put into your blog post. I couldn't agree more that creativity is a must when creating these posts/advertisements when trying to gain new clientele. There are so many small businesses being ran now that there NEEDS to be something that sets you a part from the rest of the competition. Also, your strategy for the upcoming months sounds great! Especially involving your customers with different aspects of your business. I think this shows that you care about the people you're serving, and are looking to cater to them. Best of luck!

  2. It sounds like you have a great strategy for promoting your business. I especially like how you thought of creating different types of posts for different platforms like a video for Facebook and a giveaway on twitter.

  3. This was a really awesome post. I really enjoyed reading your thoughts and plans moving forward especially because it is so clear that you put a ton of thought and effort into this. It is a great idea to use the different aspects of the different platforms to enhance your posts.

  4. Jesus, you have an excellent understanding of all the things that you need to do to amplify your business's presence on social media. I agree that creative newsletters and relying on Facebook Analytics and Instagram will definitely help your become more familiar with your visitor demographics so that you can more effectively guess what they want from your business. I can tell that you put a lot of time and effort into writing this post, and I seriously bet that your business will definitely thrive if you implement the social media strategies taht you have listed here. Great job!


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